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Why Did Tiger Woods Receive PRP Treatment for His Knee and Ankle Pain?

Peter Zheng, M.D. and Jun Xu, M.D.

Comprehensive Pain Management, P.C.

69 Main Street, Tuckahoe, NY 10707 Tel: (914) 395-1098

74 W Cedar Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Tel: (845) 454-7100

A few years ago Tiger Woods was in the center of media, all his wrong doing such as extra-marital affairs, car crashes, voicemails to girlfriends, etc. attracted many eyeballs. He was also accused of using human growth hormone. In an interview, Woods explained that he was actually receiving PRP therapy with excellent result for his knee pain. (

“I had PRP, platelet-rich plasma treatments, and basically, what that is, is they draw blood from your arm, spin it in a centrifuge, and take the plasma out and insert it into the injuries. Well, as you all know, in 2008, I blew out my ACL. And part of my reconstruction of my LCL wasn’t reacting properly. It was a little bit stuck, and so I had the PRP injection into my LCL.

And then, in December, I started to train, started running again, and I tore my Achilles on my right leg. And I then had PRP injections throughout the year…And did everything I possibly could to heal faster so I could get back on the golf course, you know, through the PRP injections.”

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